Situated in the heart of Dingli, nestled amongst the old village houses, is the culinary gem, Barbajean. A food eatery that has become synonymous with Modern Mediterranean taste, attention to detail and one of the chicest aesthetic on the island. They came to us wanting to be catapulted into the social media jungle to mark their opening and keep their socials going at a steady pace for the months to follow.
Luckily, for Barbajean, these were several. From the unique location, to the art deco interior with millennial shades, to their uniquely carefully curated Modern Mediterranean menu. When it came to social media, it was every Instagram affacnendos’ dream, we had a lot to put out there to reel the audience in!
With balanced content themes, we were able to diversify their socials with engaging content. For starters, we wanted to go to the basics, the location. The Barbajean team are very fond of their little village roots, and this plays a big role in the cuisine that they display on their menu. They make sure to show that they are proud to be situated in a quaint village in the Western area of Malta, surrounded by countryside and majestic views.
Last but not least, and the true star of Barbajean was showcasing the menu. Foodie shots that bring out the inner foodie in you. From super close up shots of the dishes to showing the variety of food available from the restaurant – we made sure to capture the dining experience through our photography. In addition to the food experience, is also the staff. Staff are a crucial part of a dining out experience and from their onset, Barbajean stressed that they aim to always have exceptional waiting service. We translated this by also including the Barbajean team in the content – after all, it wouldn’t be what it is today without its team members.
With the help of keeping a consistent presence on social media platforms – together with the content that we thoughtfully created, we managed to get impressive numbers in just 8 months for Barbajean.